Check back often for the latest updates on news and information about upcoming squadron activities
> No Band this week. Next practice is Friday 25 Nov 6-9. > No Range this week. > Ground School this week. > A trip is in the works for the Monday/Tuesday (12-13 March) of the March Break. Lt(N) Miller is looking at an overnight program in Hamilton at the Air Museum as well as a tour of the Toronto Meterological Society on the way back. Mark this these dates on your calendar if you are interested in attending. > More info will be released in the new year. ADMINISTRATION NEWS: > Please return any outstanding forms/paperwork to CI Haigh ASAP. > OPC TICKETS ARE IN THE OFFICE. PLEASE SEE CAPT DIXON TO PICK UP YOUR BOOK. $50.00 IS DUE WHEN YOU PICK UP YOUR BOOK OF TICKETS. Cadets are asked to purchase a book of tickets first then sell the tickets and get their money back. When all tickets have been sold, just return the stubs! "Our Squadron is responsible to sell 50 books of these tickets to support the gliding program. Prizes include cars and cash. I am sure your family and friends would love to buy a ticket for $2.50 to help the Cadet Program." - Capt Dixon SUPPLY NEWS: > Please return any black gloves and/or nametags that were borrowed for the Remembrance Day Parade. Thank you to all Cadets and Staff who were able to attend the Belleville Remembrance Day Ceremony.
"The Ceremony was dignified and meaningful. I was extremely proud of all my Cadets. Well done Dukes." - Capt Dixon The Remembrance Day Parade is this Friday. All Cadets are to meet at the Armouries NLT (No Later Than) 0915hrs (9:15 AM) ARRIVE IN FULL UNIFORM WITH; CADET PARKA, BLACK GLOVES, AND A POPPY "They shall grow not old as we that are left grow old, Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn. At the going down of the sun, and in the morning, We will remember them." - Lest we forget - NO BAND THIS FRIDAY
We hope everyone who went gliding enjoyed themselves. We had great weather for it; not to cold, hardly any clouds, and not too windy! Some cadets were even lucky enough to go up twice. Even a couple parents went up too! WEDNESDAY, 9 NOVEMBER 2011 As Remembrance Day is approaching, we will be having a guest speaker coming for this weeks training night . Our guest speaker is a Modern Day Veteran and will be speaking to us about what its like to be one. Level 1's will also be having their UCCMA (Unit Cadet Conflict Management Advisor Course) Training this Wednesday. FRIDAY, 11 NOVEMBER 2011 - REMEBRANCE DAY This year, again, our squadron has been invited to attend the Belleville Remembrance Day Parade and Ceremony. Cadets have permission from the school boards to be absent from classes that day. Cadets are asked to meet at the Belleville Armouries at 0900hrs (9:00 AM) for the parade. Cadets are also allowed to attend a small luncheon after the ceremonies at the legion. **PARADE ROUTE AND CEREMONY LOCATION WILL BE POSTED SOON** Click HERE for a map and basic directions to CFD Mountainview for our upcoming Gliding Day (5 November)!
November 2023