Are you interested in joining Air Cadets or simply curious?
Here's how to get more information, and how to join Cadets!
Here's how to get more information, and how to join Cadets!
Please read "About The Cadet Program" first!
Please read "About The Cadet Program" first!
The Cadet training year follows that of the school calendar year, beginning in September and ending in May/June (depending on the Cadet Corps or Squadron). “Corps” are for Sea and Army Cadets and “Squadrons” are for Air Cadets!
Most Cadet Corps and Squadrons will host recruiting nights in September and again in January. If you are shy and want to join with the greatest number of youth, September and January are your best months to join as there will be other youth equally as shy and new. Saying that, you may join at anytime during the cadet training year (September to May/June), however, if you are interested in attending summer camp or want to progress to the next proficiency level/star/phase the following year – you will need to have joined NO LATER THAN March 31. |
To be eligible for membership as a Cadet, one must:
The CO of the cadet corps or squadron shall review and approve all membership applications; however, he/she shall consult with the Regional Cadet Support Unit (RCSU) when there is uncertainty as to whether an application meets the basic membership standards or an application requires special consideration such as:
- Be a legal resident of Canada
NOTE: A legal resident of Canada is a Canadian citizen, a landed immigrant, or, the dependant of a person who is lawfully resident in Canada on a temporary basis for the purpose of education or employment. - provide proof of health insurance coverage
- Be at least 12 years of age
- not have attained 19 years of age
- normally be in good physical condition
- not belong to another corps or squadron
- be acceptable to the Commanding Officer (CO) of the cadet corps or squadron
The CO of the cadet corps or squadron shall review and approve all membership applications; however, he/she shall consult with the Regional Cadet Support Unit (RCSU) when there is uncertainty as to whether an application meets the basic membership standards or an application requires special consideration such as:
- application from a youth who is not yet a legal resident of Canada
- application from a youth who has a medical, physical or mental condition specified in Part 2 of the CF 1158 that cannot be accommodated as outlined in the What about medical, physical and mental conditions section below.
The Cadet Program is funded by the Department of National Defence in partnership with the civilian Navy League, Army Cadet League, and Air Cadet League of Canada. The civilian sponsor requires local community support to meet its obligations that include accommodations, training aids and equipment and program enhancements not otherwise provided. Parents and Cadets are expected to participate in and contribute to fundraising as required by the League’s local sponsoring element.
The Department of National Defence/Canadian Armed Forces assumes costs (including uniform and travel) for Cadets. Consequently, membership in the Cadet Program provides thousands of Canadian youth with unique opportunities free of charge that they might not otherwise experience — making the Cadet Program a viable option.
The Department of National Defence/Canadian Armed Forces assumes costs (including uniform and travel) for Cadets. Consequently, membership in the Cadet Program provides thousands of Canadian youth with unique opportunities free of charge that they might not otherwise experience — making the Cadet Program a viable option.
In that a minimum standard of medical fitness has not been established for membership of a cadet in a corps or squadron, a person with a medical condition or who is mentally or physically challenged may become a member at the Commanding Officer’s discretion.
The Commanding Officer of the Squadron shall ensure that:
The Commanding Officer of the Squadron shall ensure that:
- the parent or guardian describes the medical, physical or mental condition at part 2 of form CF 1158;
- the squadron has the physical facilities and the staff required to provide cadet training in light of the medical condition or the mental or medical challenge;
- the ability of the squadron to provide effective training to other members will not be reduced; and
- the parent or guardian and the prospective cadet are aware that minimum medical fitness standards do exist for attendance at Cadet Summer Training Centres (CSTC) and for the Exchange Programs. The parents or guardians shall be informed that cadets with a medical condition may not be permitted to attend summer training. This fact must be clearly understood by all parties prior to accepting a person with a medical condition, or who is mentally or physically challenged as a member of the squadron.
Absolutely not! - The Cadet Program is a great way to have fun, be challenged and make friends. You also find out more about Canada and develop new skills that will be with you for life, no matter what career you choose.
The following are the documents you will need to present when joining our squadron:
Please provide one of the following:
Please provide one of the following:
These completed forms, along with your proof of health insurance and proof of age start your Cadet Personnel Record. Your Cadet Personnel Record is stored safely and securely at the Squadron that you are joining. There is no need to send forms or documentation anywhere!
Access to Cadet Personnel Records are restricted to those individuals authorized in writing by the Commanding Officer (CO) of the Squadron pursuant to the provisions of the Privacy Act and the Access to Information Act.
Cadets/parents/legal guardians shall have access to the cadet’s file by asking the CO or the Administration Officer of the Squadron.
Cadet Personnel Records are kept until the date at which the cadet reaches the age of twenty-five. The files may only be destroyed at that time in accordance with the Defence Administrative Orders and Directives (DAOD) on the Management of Recorded Information and the Treasury Board Policy on the Management of Government Information.
When you leave or age-out of Cadets, make sure to ask for a copy of your Cadet Personnel Record. You never know if you will need it in the future and it makes for a great keepsake!
- You need to make sure Air Cadets is for you. You cannot join more than one program. To learn more about each cadet program, please click on the following links; Sea Cadets, Army Cadets or Air Cadets.
- Make sure 608 is the closest squadron to you! To help you find the Corps or Squadron closest to you, please visit the Cadet Corps and Squadron Directory.
- Come and see what our squadron is all about on one of our parade nights! By doing so, you will learn about the cadet organization, opportunities available to cadets, and about our squadron.
The following are the documents you will need to present when joining our squadron:
Please provide one of the following:
- Birth Certificate
- Canadian Passport
- Canadian Visa/Permit
- Identity Card
Please provide one of the following:
- Provincial/Territorial Health Insurance (ex. OHIP)
- Federal Government Health Insurance (ex. PSHCP)
- Private Insurance (ex. Blue Cross)
- Online Registration Tool
- CF 1158 - Application For Membership In The Canadian Sea, Army or Air Cadets (This form is no longer to be used. All new recruits are to use the Online Registration Tool)
- The Squadron may also provide you with additional forms that will need to be completed and signed.
These completed forms, along with your proof of health insurance and proof of age start your Cadet Personnel Record. Your Cadet Personnel Record is stored safely and securely at the Squadron that you are joining. There is no need to send forms or documentation anywhere!
Access to Cadet Personnel Records are restricted to those individuals authorized in writing by the Commanding Officer (CO) of the Squadron pursuant to the provisions of the Privacy Act and the Access to Information Act.
Cadets/parents/legal guardians shall have access to the cadet’s file by asking the CO or the Administration Officer of the Squadron.
Cadet Personnel Records are kept until the date at which the cadet reaches the age of twenty-five. The files may only be destroyed at that time in accordance with the Defence Administrative Orders and Directives (DAOD) on the Management of Recorded Information and the Treasury Board Policy on the Management of Government Information.
When you leave or age-out of Cadets, make sure to ask for a copy of your Cadet Personnel Record. You never know if you will need it in the future and it makes for a great keepsake!