NOTE: All forms are in (.pdf) format unless marked otherwise.
608 Forms
- Application For Promotion
- Instructional Assessment (Classroom)
- Instructional Assessment (Drill)
- Name Tag Order Sheet (Argyll Engraving) (.xls)
- New Membership/Transfer Checklist
- New Uniform Order Form
- Parental Permission Form (.docx)
- Summer Training Application Form - 2016
- > Additional Information Form - Music Courses
- > Additional Information Form - Staff Cadet
- Temporary Loan Registry
- Uniform Inspection Form (V.5)
- Uniform Inspection Form (V.6)
- Uniform Inspection Score Card
CF Forms
- CF 52 - General Allowance Claim
- CF 100 - CF Leave Request Authorization
- CF 573 - Performance Evaluation Report (PER)
- CF 574 - Cadet Instructors Cadre - Enrolment or Transfer Form
- CF 742 - Personal Emergency Notification
- CF 892A - Individual Clothing and Equipment Record (.docx)
- CF 1158 - Application For Membership in the Canadian Sea, Army or Air Cadets
DND Forms
- DND 324 - Personnel Transaction Form
- DND 2227 - CFSS Supply Document
- DND 2228 - CFSS Supply Document (Extension)
- DND 2299 - Report On Injuries Or Exposure To Toxic Material - Cadet Or Civilian Instructor
- DND 2353 - Collection, Use and Disclosure of Personal Information
- DND 2451 - CIC Training Application
- DND 2570 - Detailed Health Questionnaire
- DND 2587 - Next of Kin (NOK) Identification
- DND 2893 - Class 'A' Reserve Service Attendance and Transportation Assistance Allowance Register
- DND XXXX - Participation By A Cadet With Food Allergies
Other Forms
Medical Verification Forms
608 Documents
- Absent Cadet Phone Log (.pdf)
- Blank Document Template (Landscape) (Narrow Margins) (.docx)
- Blank Document Template (Portrait) (Narrow Margins) (.docx)
- Cadet Code of Conduct (.pdf)
- Cadet Code of Conduct - Enhanced (.pdf)
- Chit - Green (.pdf)
- Chit - Red (.pdf)
- Disciplinary Actions (.pdf)
- Fitness Assessment - Data and Results (.xlsx)
- Grouping Target Scoring Template (.pdf)
- Operations Order (Ops O) - Worksheet (.docx)
- Operations Order (Ops O) - Template (.docx)
- Return of Cadet Uniform Letter (.docx)