Check back often for the latest updates on news and information about upcoming squadron activities
NO BAND TONIGHT!!! (27 Jan 2012)
RANGE TEAM PRACTICE this Sunday! Range Comp is quickly approaching! This coming Wednesday is Regular Training. Instructors; please have your classes prepared! Any cadets who applied for a National Course will be participating in Mock Interviews this coming Wednesday, as the actual interviews are Saturday 4 February 2012. > Please refer to the National Course Handbook for more information and sample questions. > Ensure Uniform is in perfect condition! Cadets are still being asked to SELL MORE OPC TICKETS!! If these tickets are not sold, we must pay for each unsold ticket using your hard-earned tag day money. Rather than using our tag day money to pay for/lower the cost of trips (ex. upcoming march break trip to Hamilton), it would go to the payment of the OPC Tickets. Previous trips have only cost ~$20 (cost of a meal + T-shirt) however, with unsold OPC Tickets the price may increase up to as high as $70. Also, anybody interested in summer employment opportunities at a CSTC are invited to visit this link to view available positions, application forms, and more information. Another Congratulations goes out to Sgt Scrimshaw who received his Air Cadet Long Service Medal, Sgt Neilson who received his Standard First Aid qualification badge, and FCpl Parcels who received his "Distinguished Marksman" Classification (the highest marksmanship classification) this past Wednesday. Good Job Guys!!
This coming Wednesday is a SPORTS NIGHT. Please dress accordingly! ANYBODY WHO BELIEVES THEY CAN SELL MORE OPC TICKETS PLEASE SEE CAPT DIXON ASAP!! THESE TICKETS MUST SELL!!! If you have any ticket stubs, please return them to Capt Dixon. ALL CAMP APPLICATION FORMS (except staff cadet) MUST BE RETURNED FOR PROCESSING THIS COMING WEDNESDAY WE NEED YOU!!! Cadets this year are being asked to join the Drill Team. Please talk to WO2 Ahearn for more details. Attention Band Members
Please note Friday's practice has a time change; 6:00pm - 7:30pm Due to an unforeseen error, any cadet who had their photo taken last week MUST have it taken again.
Sorry for any inconveniences this may cause. |
November 2023