Check back often for the latest updates on news and information about upcoming squadron activities
Wednesday 2nd October 2019 Dress will be C1A (tunics, shirt, tie and medals). Effective 24 September 2019, in accordance with (IAW) CANCDTGEN 016-19, new Cadet and Junior Canadian Rangers Dress Instructions are in effect. CANCDTGEN 016-19, which promulgates the Dress Instructions, superseding CATO 55-04 Air Cadet Dress Instructions. It also specifies the dress standard of “Where possible, the Field Training Uniform and Sea Training Uniform should be the standard for training nights and dress uniforms only worn for COs parade and ceremonial occasions.” Air cadet FTU equivalent will consist of the blue t-shirt and blue sweater instead of the short sleeve shirt and tie. An order will be placed with Logistik and cadets will be be able to pick up a shirt once the order comes in. ![]()
Saturday 5th October 2019
Due to a scheduling conflict with 8 Wing CFB Trenton, 608 will only be conducting Fall gliding familiarization flights until No Later Than (NLT) 1300hrs. The bus will still depart at 0800hrs. Only 20 cadets will be permitted to attend and priority will be given to Level 3 and Level 2 cadets with no previous glider flights. The final nominal role will be decided this Wednesday. There is a Spring gliding day scheduled for Sunday 19th April 2020 with a possibility of a make-up flight on 6th/7th June 2020. Sunday 6th October 2019
Bus timings and details are still to be released but the competition will be beginning at 0800hrs at the Ganaraska Forest Centre. Lunch will be provided but cadets are encouraged to bring a water bottle and snacks. The following cadets have been selected to participate in the 2019 SEOA Orienteering Competition: Male Team FSgt Rogers Sgt La Chappelle Cpl Hewitt, I. Female Team FCpl Bateman Cpl Reyes Cpl McCaughen Indiviual Cadets FCpl Hewitt, G. Sgt Longworth Wednesday 25th September 2019 Just a reminder that this Wednesday is a sports night. Sports night will take place on the last Wednesday of every month unless otherwise posted. The dress will be appropriate civilian clothing including squadron t-shirt/cadet related shirt if owned. The following sports nights will be as follows: 30th October - Costume Party 27th November - Cadet Fitness Assessment (CFA) 18th December - Band Concert 29th January - Sports Night 26th February - CFA 25th March - Sports Night & CFA make-up 22th April - Annual Ceremonial Review Practice 10th May - Bowling Civilian Dress Code Policy 608's dress code can be found below: Sunday 22nd September 2019
Will take place at the Belleville Legion. Morning Set Up Shift is 0730hrs - 0900hrs. Afternoon Tear Down Shift is 1300hrs - 1400hrs. Cadets are to dress in appropriate Civilian Dress - preferably Squadron T-Shirt. |
November 2023