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Staff and cadets from 608's Minecraft Club have recreated the Belleville Armouries. Check it out in this video below! CONSTRUCTION DATE(S)1907/01/01 to 1908/01/01
DESCRIPTION OF HISTORIC PLACE The Armoury faces a major commercial street in the historic core of Belleville’s town centre. It is a large, gambrel-roofed, stone and brick building. A pair of tall towers flanking a large troop door, distinguish the main entrance. The designation is confined to the footprint of the building. HERITAGE VALUE The Armoury is a Recognized Federal Heritage Building because of its historical associations, and its architectural and environmental value. Historical Value The Armoury is closely associated with the reform and expansion of the Canadian militia. As Minister of Militia and Defence from 1906 to 1911, Frederick Borden initiated a program of construction of new armouries and drill halls across Canada. The armoury is also associated with the Hastings and Prince Edward County Regiment, known for its numerous battle honours. Architectural Value The Armoury is a very good example of the aesthetic expression typical of T.W. Fuller’s standard armoury design. The structure is evocative of a medieval fortress as evidenced in the solid brick construction, stone detailing and the use of three-storey towers flanking the entrance of the administrative block. The very good functional design is clearly articulated in the unobstructed interior of the large gambrel-roofed drill hall, achieved through the use of Fink trusses. The rich detailing and rough-cut stone window dressings, demonstrate the building’s very good craftsmanship. Environmental Value The Armoury reinforces the present character of its commercial street setting in the historic core of Belleville, and is a well-known landmark. Sources: Jacqueline Adell, Armoury, Belleville, Ontario, Federal Heritage Building Review Office Building Report 91-185; Armoury, Belleville, Ontario Heritage Character Statement, 91-185. CHARACTER-DEFINING ELEMENTS The character-defining elements of the Armoury should be respected. Its aesthetic, functional design and quality materials and craftsmanship, for example: - its standard plan consisting of a gambrel-roofed drill hall and entry block as well as a gun shed; - its medieval fortress motif expressed in the symmetrically organized façade, the towers flanking the central entrance, the narrow vertical window openings, and its medieval detailing such as the stringcourses, copings and battlements; - the rough cut stone and the red brick walls; - the large, interior drill hall space with its Fink trusses, full-length viewing gallery, large round-headed windows and large end doors. The manner in which the Armoury reinforces the present character of its commercial street setting in the historic core of Belleville and is a well-known landmark, as evidenced by: - its aesthetic, scale and materials which complement other large structures such as City Hall and Market Square in the town centre; - its visibility vis-à-vis its imposing scale as well as its recognition and use for activities by a community with a commitment to its militia. CHALLENGE/ACTIVITY #11: PERFORM A SELF-ASSESSMENT ON LEADERSHIP QUALITIES AND POSITIVE TEAM DYNAMICS28/5/2020
PERFORM A SELF-ASSESSMENTReflection. Long and careful consideration. Reflection can take place at any time and does not necessarily have to be about oneself. Usually reflection takes places directly after an action is taken. Self-Assessment. Assessment or evaluation of oneself, or one’s actions, attitudes or performance. In order to perform self-assessment correctly, reflection about oneself must take place before the self-assessment. Cadets are to fill out the following two forms on self-assessment for "Leadership Qualities" and "Positive Team Dynamics." ![]()
PREVIOUS CHALLENGES/ACTIVITIESPrevious challenges/activities:
#1: Construct a Model Aerodrome #2: Construct a Model Bivouac Site Layout #3: Most Improved Polished Boots #4: Participate in Stretching Exercises #5: Keep a Weekly Gratitude Journal #6: Participate in Warm-Up Exercises & Create a Physical Activity Tracker #7: Create Short-Term & Long Term SMART Goals #8: Prepare for an Aircrew Survival Exercise - Part I #9: Prepare for an Interview/Merit Review Board #10: Construct a Model Aircraft & Describe the Four Forces That Act on an Aircraft ALL CHALLENGES ARE PARTICIPATION BASED AND CADETS WILL BE ENCOURAGED TO SHOWCASE THEIR RESULTS AT THE END OF THE TRAINING YEAR. If you did not get an email link for this evening's sports night, please email below. Tonight's sports night will also contain a trivia quiz which will be located at Cadets and staff will have to have another tab ready to participate.
Dress will be sqn issued turquoise-blue shirt. Dear cadets, parents/guardians, family and friends, YOU ARE CORDIALLY INVITED TO ATTEND THE 65TH ANNUAL CEREMONIAL REVIEW (VIRTUAL CEREMONY) OF 608 DUKE OF EDINBURGH RCACS WEDNESDAY 03 JUNE 2020 ONLINE THROUGH ZOOM CEREMONY STARTS AT 6:00 PM DRESS: MILITARY: NO. 1A WITH MEDALS CADETS: C1 WITH MEDALS CIVILIAN: BUSINESS CASUAL [email protected] We ask that only members of the cadet's household be permitted to attend as this will be an internal ceremony with a physical ceremony being held at a later date. CONSTRUCT A MODEL PAPER AIRCRAFTCadets are to construct a model paper aircraft using the instructions from below or they use the following site: ![]()
DESCRIBE THE FOUR FORCES THAT ACT UPON AN AIRCRAFTWEIGHT Every aircraft has weight, which influences the design and performance of the aircraft. The weight of an aircraft is the force that acts vertically downward toward the centre of the Earth and is the result of gravity. The gliders used in the Air Cadet gliding program are towed to their determined altitude by a tow-plane. There are other methods of getting altitude, such as using a winch to get up to speed on the ground. An aircraft gains energy as it gains altitude. The energy that the glider gains as it is taken to its determined altitude can be spent quickly in a rapid descent to Earth or it can be spent slowly in a long descent. DRAG Drag is the resistance that any object experiences as it moves through the air. Cadets will have experienced the resistance of air on their bicycles or just walking on a windy day. Effort is put into aircraft design to minimize drag. The design of an aircraft can minimize drag but cannot avoid it entirely. The faster an aircraft is designed to fly, the more sleek and streamlined its design is likely to be. A parachute is designed to maximize drag by catching air and using it to slow descent. An aircraft can use drag to control flight and manoeuvre by pushing on the passing air. THRUST Thrust is a force that moves an aircraft forward. A glider spends the energy it has gained and moves forward by trading the speed of descent for forward motion. It gets this control by using its weight to push upon the air below. With its nose lowered, it slides forward over the air below. A glider moves forward as it descends, rather than falling straight down. It accomplishes this by acting on the air in a manner similar to a cadet diving into water. A glider is always gliding downwards through the air, but by locating atmospheric lift (rising air) to offset the downward motion of the aircraft due to gravity, the pilot can actually gain altitude and fly great distances without needing to use artificial lift again. LIFT A glider’s wings are designed to project out into the passing air. Glider’s wings are usually very large for the size of aircraft because a glider depends on its wings to develop lift without help from an engine or a propeller. As air moves over and under the wing, the air is used by the wing to generate lift. The purpose of a glider’s wings is not to go fast to minimize descent. The object of soaring is to get as much forward distance as possible, while losing as little altitude as possible for each unit of energy that the glider loses in descent. The distance travelled forward compared to the altitude lost is referred to as glide ratio. This should be a very large number such as 30 metres forward for each metre of descent. The glider’s wing is designed to develop lift because lift reduces the rate of descent while allowing forward motion. The lift of the aircraft’s wing will counteract the aircraft’s weight, to a degree, and this will improve the aircraft’s glide ratio. Generally, the larger the wing, the more lift can be developed. A wing generates lift by acting upon the passing air in a highly sophisticated manner that will be explored in the next lesson. A powered aircraft also experiences weight, drag and lift as does a glider. However, while a glider can gain forward motion only by trading the energy of its descent for thrust, a powered aircraft can generate thrust by running its engine. In this case, thrust is provided to the aircraft via a driven propeller or a high-speed jet exhaust. On the other hand, the engine adds weight to the aircraft and both the propeller and engine body add to the drag that the aircraft experiences. A powered aircraft, therefore, will usually not have the high glide ratio of a glider. A powered aircraft, though, can attain equilibrium, which is something a glider cannot do. Equilibrium is a condition where lift equals weight or thrust equals drag. Pilots often refer to this as flying straight and level. A glider can fly even though it does not produce its own thrust. It can fly even though its weight is greater than its lift. However, in the Earth’s gravity, its flight is limited by atmospheric conditions and the pilot’s skill. On a day without wind, even the most skillful pilot will soon return to Earth after being released. PREVIOUS CHALLENGES/ACTIVITIESPrevious challenges/activities:
#1: Construct a Model Aerodrome #2: Construct a Model Bivouac Site Layout #3: Most Improved Polished Boots #4: Participate in Stretching Exercises #5: Keep a Weekly Gratitude Journal #6: Participate in Warm-Up Exercises & Create a Physical Activity Tracker #7: Create Short-Term & Long Term SMART Goals #8: Prepare for an Aircrew Survival Exercise - Part I #9: Prepare for an Interview/Merit Review Board ALL CHALLENGES ARE PARTICIPATION BASED AND CADETS WILL BE ENCOURAGED TO SHOWCASE THEIR RESULTS AT THE END OF THE TRAINING YEAR. |
November 2023