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Are you constantly looking for uniform parts? Can’t find the tie, wedge or socks when you need them? WE ARE NOW TAKING ORDERS UNTIL DECEMBER 14th THEY WILL BE IN FOR THE NEW YEAR 2023 FUNDS REQUIRED UPON ORDER - CASH, CHEQUE OR e-TRANSFER AVAILABLE The cost to you is $30 and we the Sponsoring Committee are paying for the name, crest and taxes. You can place the order below or come into Armories at the beginning of the night with your cadet to order. This garment bag will come in handy at home and for travelling on trips. Thank you Parents for your orders for the Christmas Planters and Wreaths!
They will be available to pick up after 7 PM this Wednesday 23rd November. There is a very large order for us to get organized, so please wait until any time after 7 PM to come in and pick up. Thank you again for the support of this fundraiser 608 Squadron Sponsoring Committee LAST CHANCE TO ORDER THIS WEEK - YOU DON'T WANT TO BE DISAPPOINTED! ORDERS AND MONEY TO BE BROUGHT IN WEDNESDAY 16TH NOVEMBER PICK UP TIMES WILL BE POSTED NEXT WEEK! We have the opportunity to sell these beautiful plants THIS YEAR AGAIN! They are from our local farmers CC Farms. Fresh planters and wreaths that will last through the Christmas season. There is an order forms attached which you can us to keep track of your orders. Please get the money upfront - cheques are payable to "608 Duke of Edinburgh SSC". ALL ORDERS and MONEY MUST be handed in NO LATER THAN 16th November 2022. LATE ORDERS WILL NOT BE FULFILLED. All Deliveries will be at the armories on 23rd November 2022 for you to pick up your individual orders. You will not be disappointed in these beautiful arrangements! |
November 2023