Check back often for the latest updates on news and information about upcoming squadron activities
Hello Parents/Guardians, here is our welcome letter brought to you by the Sponsoring Committee! A copy can also be found here. Coe Hill Warriors Day Parade Sunday August 31. Bus leaves the Armories at 8:00am. Bus arrives home between 7 and 8 pm. Bring your Health Card! Please email [email protected] if you plan on attending.
Wednesday 3 September will be a CO's Parade & Regular Training.
WE ARE NOW RECRUITING! We will be accepting new recruits every Wednesday night throughout the month of September between 6:00 PM and 8:30 PM. Please visit the "Become an Air Cadet" section of our website for more information about joining the cadet program, including; eligibility criteria, required documents, and more. Cadets who are unable to attend a Training Night, for a valid reason, must notify the Administration Department by using the Attendance Notification form, which can be found HERE.
Recruits are typically sized in the 3rd and 4th week of training. The Supply Officer may need to order new uniform parts, which may cause a delay in the uniform being issued. Only recruits that have their paper work completely filled out and enrolled, can be issued a uniform. It's that time of year again! With the 2014 Summer Training season officially at a close, it's time to start getting ready for the 2014-2015 Training Year!
We have a lot of great activities planned for the year! We hope you enjoyed your summer holiday whether you attended a Summer Training Course, or spent it with you family! We look forward to seeing and hearing from you again! We will hold our First Parade Night of the 2014-2015 training year on Wednesday 3 September 2014. More info to follow. NOW RECRUITING! We will be accepting new recruits every Wednesday Night throughout the month of September between the hours of 6:00 PM and 8:30 PM. Please visit the "Become an Air Cadet" section of our website for more information about joining the cadet program, including; eligibility criteria, required documents, and more. If you already are a cadet, don't forget to invite your friends to join the program as well! |
November 2023