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Looking for Parents and Cadets HELP!
We are asking parents if they can help out by providing a small dish (pot luck style) to help out with this fantastic opportunity. The sponsoring committee is donating buns. As part of our community service in Belleville – The 608 Cadets are asked to come out and serve food (at Market Square across from the Armories) on Wednesday October 16th from 5 – 6 pm before opening parade The Not Alone Quinte has been helping ones in need - in the Market Square nightly with food and drinks. Organizations like ours can offer support. For months, they have been providing hot & cold meals daily at Belleville’s Market Square, and now they are the ones needing help. A group of volunteers with Not Alone Team Quinte will feed between 75 and 100 people per night. We will post a sign up sheet at the Armories or you can simply sign up on facebook much like our fruit sign up. Please provide a note of what kind of dish to let others know as well. (Recommend making in a disposable dish) The hot or cold food can be brought directly over to Market Square for the food to be set up just before 5 PM by the volunteers. Cadets will help serve from 5 PM – 6 PM then head over to the Armories. Thank you for being a part of this community service! Wednesday 9th October 2019
Unfortunately due to the unavailability of the flag part commander, there will not be a flag part practice this Wednesday. A range practice will take place from 5:00pm-6:00pm. All cadets are available to attend. A team will be chosen for the competition in March. Cadets are to wear civilian clothing and bring their uniform to change into. Sunday 6th October 2019
At 0730hrs cadets are to be at Walmart Supercentre, Belleville, 274 Millennium Pkwy, Belleville, ON (Closer to the Dollarama) departing to Ganaraska Forest Centre. The bus is expected to return at 1545hrs. In case of a delay, parents/guardians will be notified. Capt Leadbeater will be the escort for this activity. A quick optional briefing will be available after band on Friday 4th October from 1700hrs-1730hrs to review map and compass. *** CADETS MUST HAVE THEIR HEALTH CARDS IN THEIR POSSESSION TO COMPETE *** Cadets are be dressed warmly and appropriately for the competition. Competitors are strongly encouraged to use personal civilian competition clothing and running shoes. It is also strongly recommended that competitor wear long pants for the competition, rather than shorts. Lunch will be provided in the form of a barbeque lunch. Vegetarian options will be made available for those who require them. Cadets are to bring a water bottle and snacks. Male Team: FSgt Rogers Sgt La Chappelle Cpl Hewitt, I. Female Team: FCpl Bateman Cpl Reyes Cpl McCaughen Individual Cadets: FCpl Hewitt, G. Sgt Longworth Saturday 5th October 2019
The bus will depart at 0800hrs from the Armouries and return at 1330hrs. A light lunch snack may be provided. Cadets are to bring their own snacks and will be waiting in a classroom for their flight. Cadets are to dress in layered warm civilian clothing and should expect a significant drop in temperature on the air field. Only the following cadets are permitted to attend Fall Gliding: 1. Aldrich 2. Baes 3. Baron 4. Bourke 5. Bradfield 6. Braun 7. Fleming 8. Hannaford 9. Hepburn 10. Hewitt, I. 11. Joseph, G 12. Krasnuik 13. La Chappelle 14. MacDonald, B. 15. MacDonald, E. 16. Maina 17. Patel, Vidhi 18. Porter 19. Reyes 20. Shah, A Cadet Correspondent: Shah, M. Friday 4th October 2019
Band - 5:00pm-7:00pm Drill - 7:00pm-8:00pm (Try-outs) All cadets are permitted to join the band and try-out for the drill team. |
November 2023