Check back often for the latest updates on news and information about upcoming squadron activities
Friday 2 November will be our Band Practice. 1800hrs (6:00 PM) - 1900hrs (7:00 PM) at the Armouries. *Cadets in Band or Flag Party MUST also be on Drill Team.* NO UNIFORM - Civilian Dress Only 2. DRILL Friday 2 November will be our Drill Team Practice. 1800hrs (6:00 PM) - 2000hrs (8:00 PM) at the Armouries. *Cadets in Band or Flag Party MUST also be on Drill Team.* NO UNIFORM - Civilian Dress Only 3. GROUND SCHOOL Monday 5 November will be our Ground School class. 1800hrs (6:00 PM) - 2000hrs (8:00 PM) at the Armouries
In support of the Royal Canadian Legion, our squadron will aid in the sales of Poppies for remembrance day! Much like Tag Day, cadets will be assigned and placed in front of local businesses to collect donations from the public, giving them a Poppy in return! All proceeds collected go to the Legion. Our Squadron has been assigned the Morning Shift from 0900hrs to 1200hrs (9:00 AM to 12:00 PM) (please arrive early) of Saturday 3 November. This activity is a great opportunity for those cadets in high school who need to complete their required community service hours. A sign-up sheet was posted Wednesday (31 October) night. If you do not get the chance to sign it, please E-mail Capt Dixon as soon as possible saying you can attend.
The Air Cadet League - Ontario Provincial Committee has issued our annual lottery tickets. Our squadron has many books of these tickets which MUST be sold. We are asking each cadet to pay for 1 book of tickets ($50.00) upfront. The cadet then sells the tickets to friends and family, making back the $50.00. Once sold, the completed ticket stubs are then returned to the Squadron. Please pick up your book ASAP (the sooner you buy them, the longer you will have to sell them)! * These Tickets make great Christmas Gifts! * ** FINAL TRAINING NIGHT FOR 2012 - 19 DECEMBER 2012 ** ** FIRST TRAINING NIGHT FOR 2013 - 9 JANUARY 2013 ** Comments are closed.
November 2023