Check back often for the latest updates on news and information about upcoming squadron activities
1. We are working on a simple business process / pro-forma that will allow Corps / Sqns to seek authority for specific fundraising activities that will involve in-person attendance by cadets or our staff with the local support committees. We want to share this with you and our League partners before it is deployed for feedback. I anticipate that this will be shared in the next week or two. 2. In the intervening period, there may be Corps / Sqn Support Committees that have more immediate financial needs that must be satisfied with fundraising activities in the near term, especially between now and the end of the current training year. As we discussed, if you have a Corps / Sqn planning a fundraising activity with their Support Committee, forward their request with the following information by email so that we may approve it for them rapidly: a. Description of the FR activity / activities (what type of activity or activities, when and where). Keep the description simple and to the point (i.e., Tag day, Bake sale, etc.); b. Intended purpose of funds raised. In most cases, this will be “General Corps / Sqn Ops”, however, if it is for a specific purpose, such as a trip or acquisition of certain equipment, this should be stipulated. Again, keep it concise; and c. If the fundraising activity is for the benefit of an organization other than the local support committee of the Cadet Corps, they need to stipulate what charitable organization will receive the funds and we will need the charitable registration number and contact information for that charity. If the funds are being raised by the local support committee to benefit the Corps / Sqn, you just need to state “Local Support Committee”;. 3. We have a had a few requests approved thus far via email and we do want to be supportive of any requests that benefit the local Corps / Sqns. We will continue with this ad hoc approach until we get our simple process well established. Be concise with the email submissions. If we need more info, we will ask for it. 4. One of the fundraising challenges that has emerged relates to the use of occasional drivers to support fundraising. In the past, occasional drivers were not screened, however, IAW our new screening policy, occasional drivers need a Basic Screening as CJCR volunteers. Given that the full suite of screening tools has not yet been deployed, we may continue using occasional drivers even if they have not completed the Basic Screening under the following circumstances: a. they need to complete the CJCR Adult Screening Application Form attached below and submit it to the Corps / Sqn CO, which we will process as soon as the tools are deployed. For the time being, a result back from the application is not required to use the occasional driver; b. On their completed application form, they must not have answered “yes” to the question: “Have you ever been convicted of a criminal offence for which a pardon has not been granted?”; c. they must be known to the CO and / or support committee (preferably a parent of a cadet) d. they need to comply with existing League policies regarding occasional drivers (proof of insurance, drivers log, etc.); and e. other than their own child or an emergency situation, they must not drive any cadet alone in a vehicle. There must always be multiple cadets in the vehicle with the occasional driver. 5. Other than the need to have the occasional drivers complete the application, I believe the direction above is essentially the status quo from past years. 6. For the next week, send any request to the COS for approval in the absence of the CO. Once we have the business process designed, the intent is to have these requests approved at the Area OC level.
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November 2023