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Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, there hasn’t been an opportunity to conduct any in-person orienteering training or competitions as a formal RDA. As a result, we have been working with our civilian partners to develop a plan for virtual training.
After some back and forth with RCSU Central leadership, we have decided to conduct two series of virtual clinics; each consisting of three 90 minute Zoom sessions delivered by our Civilian partners (Ottawa Orienteering Club and Toronto Orienteering Club). Additional clinics may be scheduled in the future. Sessions are scheduled two weeks apart to allow for practice between online dates. Each clinic will be open to up to 16 people (12 Senior cadets and 3-4 Adult staff). I am looking to load 4 cadets per Area onto this training. Each session will cover the following material: Session 1:
Session 2:
Session 3:
The goal of this training is to provide senior cadets and selected Adult Staff (Area Orienteering Coordinators or designate – note that I have started the process to coordinate their participation) with tools and resources to develop orienteering training at the Corps or Squadron. This will, in turn, provide resources to improve performance at our Area Orienteering competitions; which I am hoping can resume next Fall. A secondary goal is to provide resources to allow RCSU Central to conduct similar training (using our own personnel to deliver said training) for our Corps/Squadrons in the future. Scheduled dates for the clinics are as follows (note that all sessions will run from 1830-2000hrs): Clinic 1: 13 Jan, 27 Jan, 10 Feb 2021. Open to cadets from OSLA, SEOA and SWOA Clinic 2: 17 Feb, 3 Mar, 17 Mar 2021. Open to cadets from COA, NGTA and NOA I would like you to canvas your respective Corps and Squadrons to solicit interest in this training. Please forward this message to your fellow Zone TrgO’s for distribution. Note that cadets shall be a minimum of Phase 3/Silver Star/Proficiency Level 3 qualified in order to be selected. Expressions of interest are to be sent to me directly (cc to the respective Area Orienteering OPI) to include the following information: 1. Cadet Name; 2. Corps/Squadron; 3. Confirmation that they have attended an Area Orienteering competition. Note that participation in a competition is not mandatory; 4. Confirmation that they have a reliable, high-speed internet connection; and 5. Reason for wanting to take this training. There are four billets allocated to each Area and as such, candidates will be selected on a first come first served basis. To distribute these limited billets, I ask that only one cadet per Corps/Squadron submit an expression of interest. Once selections are made, I shall open Technical Training serials in Fortress to the applicable Corps/Squadrons so cadets can register. Deadline to submit an expression of interest is COB 6 Jan 21. Successful candidates will be notified NLT 8 Jan 21 with coordinating instructions to follow. Please note that this message will also be posted on SharePoint to solicit interest. Comments are closed.
November 2023