Check back often for the latest updates on news and information about upcoming squadron activities
Wednesday 3 October will be a CO's Parade night.
If you have any Uniform Items that need to be Exchanged, it is STRONGLY encouraged that you do so immediately! See the Supply Officer (OCdt Nelson), on your own initiative, either before opening parade or during break! Any cadets waiting for a uniform please be patient as the parts are on order and should arrive soon!
REMINDER: CO's Parades are a MANDATORY attendance night. If a cadet cannot attend, for a valid reason, the cadet MUST follow the instructions on the Attendance Notification page. ALSO, any cadets who have not completed and handed-in their Annual Verification Form MUST do so immediately or they will not be allowed to attend any cadet functions (including training nights).
This past Wednesday night cadets in the proficiency level 2 training program went toured the down town area stopping at the library as part of their training. For those cadets on the orienteering team, more information regarding meeting/practice dates will be coming soon! Cadets interested in the Flying Scholarships (Glider or Power) are asked to contact WO1 Ahearn about ground school. TAG DAY(S) are here! Tag Day(s) is our squadron's primary activity for fundraising. Cadets will be placed out front of local businesses and collect donations from civilians. All Proceeds go towards the squadron. This spring's tag days are Friday 19 October from 1700hrs to 2100hrs and Saturday 20 October from 0930hrs to 1700hrs. TAG DAY(S) IS A MANDATORY EVENT FOR ALL CADETS. The Leadership Weekend originally planned for 13-14 October has been postponed due to base-wide maintenance on those dates. You will be informed of the new dates ASAP! Comments are closed.
November 2023