Check back often for the latest updates on news and information about upcoming squadron activities
Wednesday 31 October will be our Halloween Night.
Any cadets waiting for a uniform please be patient as the parts are on order and should arrive soon! ALL cadets are reminded that the Grey Wool Socks issued with the uniform are a part of the uniform, and are to be worn with the uniform! Should a cadet find the socks too itchy to wear, they can wear white socks underneath the grey wool socks. If cadets are allergic to the wool socks, they may wear black socks. The only colour sock that should be visible is Grey (issued wool), or Black. Spot checks will be conducted to ensure proper dress policies are being followed.
REMINDER: Every Training Night is MANDATORY attendance. If a cadet cannot attend, for a valid reason, the cadet MUST follow the instructions on the Attendance Notification page.
1. OPC TICKETS. The Air Cadet League - Ontario Provincial Committee has issued our annual lottery tickets. Our squadron has many books of these tickets which MUST be sold. We are asking each cadet to pay for 1 book of tickets ($50.00) upfront. The cadet then sells the tickets to friends and family, making back the $50.00. Once sold, the completed ticket stubs are then returned to the Squadron. Please pick up your book as soon as possible either from CV Vincent or Capt Dixon! 2. POPPY DAY. In support of the Royal Canadian Legion, our squadron will aid in the sales of Poppies for remembrance day! Our Squadron has been assigned the Morning Shift from 0900hrs to 1200hrs (9:00 AM to 12:00 PM) of Saturday 3 November. A sign-up sheet will posted again Wednesday (31 October) night. If you did not have the chance to sign it, please E-mail Capt Dixon as soon as possible if you can attend! 3. THE DUKE OF EDINBURGH AWARD - Take the Challenge - Live the Achievement - This International Award is an exciting self-development Programme available to all young people worldwide equipping them with the life skills to make a difference to themselves, their communities and the world. To date almost 6 million young people from over 120 countries have been motivated to undertake a variety of voluntary and challenging activities. The Royal Canadian Air Cadets have training equivalencies for The Duke of Edinburgh's Award; such as, map reading, compass work, aircrew survival, physical recreation, and skills (band, aviation studies, drill, first aid, model building, orienteering, etc.). For more information regarding this wonderful programme please visit www. Comments are closed.
November 2023